Build Team & Prepare Shift (OSO)
  • 19 Sep 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

Build Team & Prepare Shift (OSO)

Article summary

The article is to be used by the HQ Operations Team when building and preparing a team for a new shift. Each section represents a task/subtask in Asana and the instructions for that component of the process. Use the table of contents to the right of the screen to navigate to the relevant section of the process.

The Asana task should remain open until the 4th week of operating, then it will be closed off. Active OSO will continue to use the Top Up Team & Shift subtask.

Volunteer Recruitment

Phase 1 (Actioned within 5 business days)

1. Advise RC & SL to confirm if WA message if necessary (OSO)

2. Contact existing waitlist by SMS (OSO)

3. Email & send collateral to existing SP's (RC)

4. Email & send collateral to local community orgs eg. retirement villages, golf clubs, bowls clubs, Lions clubs (OSO)

5. Share new shift info with KF for CEC newsletters (OSO)

6. Post on Volunteer Recruitment Platforms (OSO) 

7. Post on Community FB Groups (OSO)

Phase 2 (Action if no strong uptake after 4 weeks from finishing Phase 1)

8. Engage MFP for potential corporate partner/community fundraising engagement (OSO)

9. Engage MFP for further advertising/media support (OSO)

Volunteer Team Correspondence (WOS - do you need to complete an initial phone screen?)

  1. See process for adding volunteers to a team here: PROCESS: Adding Volunteers to a Team
  2. Create a subtask for each volunteer you are inviting to track progress/follow up any information if needed
  3. When adding a volunteer to a team, ensure you are adding their details to the description box of task, and also updating the shift record in AT (# Vols on Team & Shift Notes)
  4. Add volunteer manually to WA group, and send message to welcome them

Weekly/Fortnightly message via WA group

Review Priority Status (after 4 weeks)

Review Priority Status (after 8 weeks)

Prepare Go Live & Confirm Start Date

  1. Confirm all volunteers are in WA group
  2. Confirm all volunteers have completed necessary training modules in Volaby (WOS)
  3. AU - Confirm each volunteer has received full uniform
  4. NZ - Confirm volunteers uniform size & pass onto trainer/leader
  5. Ask team to confirm rough time frame for start date 
  6. Confirm with existing volunteer or OS HQ rep for 2 week training block
  7. Ask volunteers to submit availability (ensure start date is minimum 2 weeks out)
  8. Confirmation to Service Provider (RC)
  9. Publish Volaby roster 4 weeks in advance & confirm with team 

Once the building OSO has confirmed a full team of volunteers and potential start date, RC is to notify the SP

  1. Edit and send the below template to SP contact, then copy and paste email onto main shift task so others know the SP has been notified

Subject Line - Orange Sky SERVICE LOCATION // NAME OF SHIFT e.g. Orange Sky Brisbane // St Mary's Church

Good Morning/Afternoon NAME

Thank you again for agreeing to have Orange Sky operate alongside your service, we are so thankful for the opportunity to collaborate!

We have spoken with the team of volunteers, and have confirmed they are ready to commence on DAY & DATE from 0am-0pm, is this date suitable for you and your team?

If so, amazing! The local leadership team will be checking in with the volunteers on shift regularly, but if there are any problems on site that you'd like to raise, please liaise with the Team Leader on shift, who you will meet once the shift has commenced, or myself via email or phone. 

I have attached a poster with the shift details, could you please print this out and display it in a visible spot to promote our service? Feel free to pass this onto any other providers close by who you think would benefit too!

Can you please reply to this email within 3 business days, to acknowledge our arrangement?

We look forward to helping more of our friends doing it tough and establishing a great relationship with you and your team!  

Thanks again NAME.

  1. Set this subtask due date 7 days after email has been sent to SP, ensure you receive a response from SP within this time
  2. If after 7 days, still no response from SP, send follow up email or make a phone call

Go Live 

When a shift is ready to 'Go Live', the below needs to be actioned = VACMAWCS

  • V - (Volaby) - Change activity start date, edit activity name, remove sentence from description box & set first 8 weeks of roster
  • A - (Airtable) - Change SP & shift status
  • C - (Calendar) - Update name of shift
  • M - (Map) - Update shift status
  • A - (Asana) - Update shift task status & subtasks
  • W - (WhatsApp) - Message group confirming shift start date, roster & introduce trainer
  • C - (Canva) - Update 'We Wash Here' poster & add shift info to service location flyer
  • S - (Seek) - Remove shift information from Seek ad


  1. Head to Management section > Activity Management tab
  2. Select program/s > Select the service location of where the shift belongs e.g. Newcastle
  3. Scroll down the Activities list until you find the shift name you need to edit
    • Select the Activity > Select the 3 dots in top right corner of activity 
    • Select 'Edit'
    • Remove *COMING SOON* from activity name
    • Remove 'This is a brand new shift we are currently building a team for. Apply to help us, help more friends!' from description box  
    • Scroll down to 'Activity type' 
    • Update start date to first shift date 
    • Frequency > Usually always weekly, unless it is a one-off pop up shift or fortnightly shift
  4. Click 'Save Changes' in top right corner 
  5. Go to subtask 'Build out Volaby roster 8 weeks in advance & confirm with team' & action


  1. Head to Shifts table > MASTER Shifts view
  2. Search for the shift record, once found, click the 2 small blue arrows on the left of the shift name to expand the record
  3. Edit the tags in the record to reflect the shift is 'scheduled to go live'. Ensure the below are updated:
    • Start Date - Add start date of shift  
    • Shift Status - Active - Scheduled 
    • Recruit Status - Full
    • Primary Service Provider Partner - Open up record and change SP Status to 'Active Partner'


  • Remove 'BUILDING' from calendar event name


  1. Find the shift in the 'Active Shifts' section (under the correct van)
  2. Change the icon colour to Orange 


  1. Head to main shift task
  2. Assignee - assign to the RC
  3. Due date - Add start date of shift 
  4. SP Status - Scheduled to Start
  5. Assign the 'Email Confirmation to Service Provider - RC' subtask to whoever has been the main communicator with the SP (usually RC, unless there is a CIC in place)
  6. Assign the 'Gone Live' subtask to building OSO with a due date of the first shift
  7. Close off the 'Go Live' subtask


  1. Message group confirming shift start date, roster & introduce trainer
  2. Ensure all vols are happy with the roster that's been set out, if you need to make changes, please do 


  1. Remove 'Coming Soon' sticker on 'We Wash Here' poster
    • Download 'We Wash Here' poster and add attachment to 'Email Confirmation to Service Provider - RC' subtask
  2. Edit existing service location flyer: PROCESS: How to create a 'Service' flyer 
    • Add shift info to service location flyer 
    • Download service location flyer and add attachment to 'Printing' task in the service location project
    • Ask either SL/VL/CIC if they are happy to accept flyers and put inside asset


  1. Remove shift information from Seek Ad: PROCESS: Seek Volunteering AU & NZ

Message to team in WA 3 days prior to start date

Post in WA group prior to first shift. 

  • Ask to take photos, ensure they put any notes on the shift report
  • reminder to call Service Support for incidents
  • Take photos of set up and interactions on shift and post in the group for us to see.  
  • Has the team been provided with shift location info? 
  • Roster confirmed? 
  • Meeting time at base and at shift

Gone Live

When a shift has 'Gone Live', the below needs to be actioned = VACMAWCS

  • V - (Volaby) - no change
  • A - (Airtable) - Change SP & shift status
  • C - (Calendar) - no change
  • M - (Map) - no change
  • A - (Asana) - Update shift task status & subtasks
  • W - (WhatsApp) - Message group thanking them for their first shift!
  • C - (Canva) - no change
  • S - (Seek) - no change


  1. Head to Shifts table > MASTER Shifts view
  2. Search for the shift record, once found, click the 2 small blue arrows on the left of the shift name to expand the record
  3. Edit the tag in the record to reflect the shift is now 'active':
    • Shift Status - Active - Started  


  1. Head to main shift task
  2. Ensure the below tag is updated:
    • SP Status - Active Shift
  3. Copy and paste the link to the shift report Asana task to the main shift task and advise shift is now up and running! 
  4. Close off 'Gone Live' subtask 
  5. Assign 'RC to identify appropriate SC & TL for shift - RC' subtask to the RC with a due date of 'tomorrow'
  6. Assign '4th Shift - Handover to Active Team' subtask to building OSO with a due date of 4 weeks out
  7. Assign 'Risk Assessment (Received by the 4th shift) - (RC)' subtask to RC with a due date of next shift


  1. Message group thanking them for the first shift!

OSO to handover TL role/rostering to RC

4th Shift - Handover to Active Team

  1. Update AT view 'Volunteer Teams Recruit' to reflect the assigned Active OSO if the team still needs to be topped up
    1. If the team doesn't need to be topped up, remove the OSO name from the OSO field
  2. Close off 'Build Team & Prepare Shift (OSO)' subtask, and assign 'Top Up Team & Monitor Shift (OSO)' subtask to the assigned Active OSO
    1. Convert 'Volunteer Team Management' to subtask under the 'Top Up Team & Monitor Shift (OSO)' subtask

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