Volunteer & Employee Support Program (VESP)
  • 05 Dec 2023
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Volunteer & Employee Support Program (VESP)

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Article summary

Volunteer & Employee Support Program (VESP)

The VESP is a confidential support program providing free mental health support services to all Orange Sky volunteers and employees. The program is designed to help you overcome any issues impacting your mental wellbeing related to your time and experience volunteering with Orange Sky.

About the VESP for volunteers

The VESP in in place to look after the mental health and wellbeing of all Orange Sky volunteers and staff. The service is completely confidential, and free of charge. The program allows individuals to access up to 3 support sessions per year, and further sessions may be approved by Orange Sky management if required. Sessions are provided either face-to-face, telephone or video conference depending on the preference of the individual accessing the services.

Orange Sky recognises that volunteers can face difficult or confronting situations whilst on shift, and the VESP is here to help with short-term counselling and crisis support in the event of an incident. We're committed to ensuring you enjoy your time volunteering with Orange Sky, and have access to the support you need.

Volunteers and employees may self-refer, however with their agreement or at their request, referral can be made by your manager. Please note, the VESP does not replace the normal performance management or issues resolution processes.

Australia phone number: 1300 878 379

New Zealand phone number: 0800 349 710

Online booking: https://veretis-group.au2.cliniko.com/bookings?appointment_type_id[]=569775020276980285&appointment_type_id[]=569775335982242367#service

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