We have recently seen a very small number of clean water hoses come in contact with the diesel heater exhaust causing a small burn. This is being caused by the heat protection sleeve becoming frayed at the top end and becoming tangled in the hose reel. This pulls the exhaust closer to the hose and makes contact causing a burn. We are wanting to cut or replace the sleeving to remove the fraying.
The exhaust lagging is made from a fibreglass product. It is recommend to avoid contact with skin. Please use below safety recommendations when handling.
Gloves must be worn
If in a confined space please wear a face mask
Please wear eye protection
Long Sleeve shirt it recommended
Tools Required
Phillips head or flat blade screwdriver
Sharp knife or scissors
Parts required
Hose clamp
Possible new exhaust heat sleeve - Supplied by HQ
Note: This is not required on a Hybrid van as the hose reels are located away from the diesel heaters.
Open the side hatch to access the clean and waste water hose reels.
Inspect diesel heater exhaust protection sleeve.
Picture here shows frayed sleeve
If sleeving is not frayed and secured at the top of the exhaust with a hose clamp finish inspection here.
If the frayed section is long it may leave the sleeve too short when trimmed off. If this is the case, please report to HQ and a new sleeve will be supplied.
Loosen hose clamp where the exhaust connects to the diesel heater.
Remove exhaust from the heater.
Slide Exhaust protection sleeve off the exhaust pipe (there may be other clamps securing the exhaust to the rear of the dryer)
Inspect sleeving and cut off frayed section Using a sharp knife or scissors. Re-fit sleeving or new sleeving to exhaust as required. Fit new hose clamp over exhaust and sleeving as shown - Leave hose clamp loose for now.
Re-attach exhaust to the diesel heater and tighten the hose clamp to secure.
Move the new hose clamp as high as possible on exhaust and tighten to secure the sleeving.
Refit and secure any other clamps that were removed throughout the the process
Start the dryers and bring them up to operating temperature.
A small amount of smoke or a burning smell might be evident if the sleeving was replaced. This will subside after a couple of uses.
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