Contents x
- MyOS Hub
- Shift Operations
- Shift FAQs
- Empower Packs Program
- What does driving the van include?
- Who pays for speeding fines or other traffic offenses?
- What happens with the incident reports when they get to HQ?
- I'm not sure whether to complete an incident form or not
- An incident happened on shift a month ago, is it too late to complete an incident report?
- How do I report an incident?
- How to refer a friend using Ask Izzy
- How big are the water tanks on the Orange Sky vehicles?
- What is in the Orange Sky detergent?
- How do I get the reversing camera to stay on?
- Why do shifts get cancelled?
- If a member of the public is hurt at an Orange Sky van, how does Orange Sky respond?
- Can I use gloves to handle clothes/washing?
- Why does the laundry van turn off when stopped (e.g. at traffic lights)?
- Do I need to put detergent in the van washing machines?
- Do we clean the machines following each wash?
- Who loads the washing into the machines, volunteers or friends?
- Can I bring my children to shift with me?
- Can we wash small loads?
- How often am I required to volunteer?
- Do our friends have to use both washing and drying services?
- Can volunteers bring their dog to shift?
- Can I bring a friend/work colleague along to shift with me?
- How long is the washing cycle?
- What do I do if a friend/s have left their washing in a queue for when we arrive?
- Can we wash bedding?
- What do I do if I find an illegal substance on shift?
- Can I bring food onto shift for our friends?
- What do I need to do if I need to leave a shift early?
- Who can I call for support while on shift?
- I want to talk to someone about a difficult shift I had. Who can I call?
- A friend is talking about suicide and I have no idea what to do
- I'm supporting a friend experiencing mental health problems and I'm unsure how to help. What should I do?
- How can I encourage friends to check their pockets?
- What is the safe word on shift?
- What do we do if a friend doesn’t come back for their laundry before shift ends?
- Can we set up shift before the Service Partner has opened?
- What should I talk about on shift?
- How to access Service Support
- What to do if you get bogged
- How much washing can we fit in the Orange Sky washing machines?
- A friends behaviour on shift made me feel uncomfortable.
- Can the Orange Sky detergent be turned off and other washing detergent put in the machine instead?
- What do I do if I feel threatened/uncomfortable by a friend while on shift?
- Can we add stain removers to the washing machines?
- How do I set up a shift safely?
- Taking friends washing home
- The weather is looking bad - what should I do?
- Why does the van only have one reverse light?
- Charging devices for friends
- The van has a flat tyre/puncture what should I do?
- When to call Service Support
- Next Level Service Support
- Shift Operations Resources
- Operations Cards - Laundry Pod 2.0 (NZ)
- Standards of Behaviour Poster
- Video - Driving and parking the van
- Flat Van Battery
- Orange Sky Australia - Terms of Use
- Parking the van on a flat shift
- Awning Operation Guide (Hybrid Van)
- Awning Operation Guide (Upgraded Laundry Van)
- Awning Operation Guide (Pod 2.0)
- Operations Cards - Hybrid (Battery Operated) (AU)
- Operations Cards - Hybrid 1.9 (NZ)
- Operations Cards - Laundry (NZ)
- Operations Cards - Laundry (Battery Operated) (AU)
- Operations Cards - Laundry Pod 2.0 (AU)
- Operation Cards - Shower Van (AU)
- Washing machine manual dosing instructions
- Waru Dryers - Top Tips
- A walk-through your Upgraded Laundry Van
- Damage to Orange Sky Vehicle
- Shift FAQs
- Resources & Policies
- (NZ) Volunteer Recruitment Resources
- Forms
- Volunteer & Employee Support Program (VESP)
- Position Descriptions
- Assistant Asset Leader NZ
- Assistant Asset Leader AU
- Asset Leader Position Description NZ
- Asset Leader Position Description AU
- Volunteer Organisational Chart
- General Volunteer Position Description (AU)
- General Volunteer Position Description (NZ)
- Team Leader position description
- Service Leader Position Description
- Assistant Team Leader
- Community Engagement Coordinator Position Description
- Community Impact Coordinator Position Description
- Service Coordinator Position Description
- Asset Leader Position Description
- Laundromat of the Future (LOTF) Team Leader Position Description
- Laundromat of the Future (LOTF) General Volunteer Position Description
- Volunteer feedback loop
- Policies
- Volunteer Family Handbook
- Code of Conduct
- Conflicts of Interest
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination
- Issues Resolution Policy
- Fitness for Work Policy
- Risk Assessment and Incident Reporting Policy
- Reporting Crime
- Child Safety Policy
- Sun Smart Policy
- Mandatory Reporting of Illegal Activity Procedure
- Privacy Policy
- Volunteer Family Handbook (NZ)
- Absence on shift
- eLearning Modules
- General FAQs
- I'm going on holiday, can I volunteer on shift in the area I am visiting?
- I want to be on the same shift as my friend/partner.
- What should I wear on shift?
- What is The Sudsy Challenge?
- Can Orange Sky make a profit if they are a "not-for-profit' organisation?
- I had a great experience on shift that I would love to share, how do I do that?
- Can we accept donations on shift?
- I purchased some items for our van, how do I get reimbursed?
- Can I transfer to another service when I move house or do I have to re-apply?
- Is the Service Leader position a paid position?
- Where did the name Orange Sky come from?
- How do I make suggestions of content to add to the Orange Sky Guide?
- How do I join my local OSA Volunteers Facebook Group?
- I know someone that is interested in volunteering. How do they apply?
- How do I order replacement uniform?
- When will my Orange Sky t-shirt arrive?
- How do I setup WhatsApp on my mobile device?
- Vehicle Upgrade FAQ
- Friend Voice Project FAQ
- Orange Sky webinar library
- Orange Sky person - 6 characteristics
- WhatsApp team chats - guidelines for use
- Health and Safety
- Leader Resources
- Quick Access to Forms & Information (AU)
- Quick Access to Forms & Information (NZ)
- Leader leave form
- Team Leader
- Team Leader position description
- Laundromat of the Future (LOTF) Team Leader Position Description
- How do I make the decision to cancel a shift?
- Team Leaders role in managing issues and incidents
- What to do when you need more volunteers on your team
- How do new volunteers join my team?
- New volunteer welcome to shift (AU) email template
- New volunteer welcome to shift (NZ) email template
- How do I add a new volunteer to my WhatsApp group?
- What training do new volunteers receive?
- First shift checklist
- Second shift assessment
- Tips for training new volunteers
- WhatsApp Team Leader chat - guidelines for use
- How do I complete a roster?
- Flexible volunteer 1st shift checklist example - Laundry
- Service Coordinator
- Service Coordinator Position Description
- Operations Team Organisational chart
- Volunteer Organisational Chart
- Orange Sky person - 6 characteristics
- Leader leave form
- Volunteer feedback loop
- Expense claim form
- Adding a booking to asset calendar
- Incident management process
- How do I access shift report data?
- Volaby volunteer access levels
- How do I promote Volunteers to Activity Leaders (Team Leaders)?
- Team Leader Check-ins
- How do I add, remove and exit a volunteer from my team?
- Asana Basics
- Service Leader
- Service Leader Position Description
- Laundromat of the Future (LOTF) Service Leader Position Description
- Volunteer Organisational Chart
- Operations Team Organisational chart
- Service Leader Engagement Toolkit
- Orange Sky 'Open Day' for new volunteers
- Resource: 'Open Day' with your asset guide
- Volunteer feedback loop
- Leader leave form
- Adding a booking to asset calendar
- Incident management process
- How do I access shift report data?
- How do I promote Volunteers to Activity Leaders (Team Leaders)?
- Process for assigning new volunteers to activities
- New volunteer added to team email template
- How do I make an activity (shift) a priority or non-priority for recruitment?
- Volaby volunteer access levels
- What automated email communications do volunteers receive?
- Onboarding (Activity Leaders) Team Leaders
- Team Leader Check-ins
- How do I add, remove and exit a volunteer from my team?
- Asana Basics
- Service Leader Credit Card Policy
- Credit Card Declaration
- Orange Sky person - 6 characteristics
- Community Engagement Coordinator
- Acknowledgement of Country Protocol
- Media requests
- Speaking Engagement Requests
- Internal Events
- Media Release Form (AU)
- Leader leave form
- Adding a booking to asset calendar
- Community Engagement Coordinator Position Description
- Orange Sky person - 6 characteristics
- Expense claim form
- Share a yarn
- Volunteer Organisational Chart
- Asana Basics
- Operations Team Organisational chart
- Shift visit guide (NZ)
- Shift visit guide (AU)
- Vehicle Leaders
- Vehicles
- General Vehicle Information
- Reactive Incident Management
- Fortnightly Checks
- Asset Maintenance
- Vehicle Leader General Information
- Turning Off Storage Mode
- Replacing Clean & Waste Tank Gauge Tubes
- Diesel Heater Exhaust Lagging Check
- Washing Machine Filter Clean
- Prevent Hose Reel Over Extension
- Vehicle Leader Quick Guide
- Waste Pump Overview
- Fuses & Circuit Breakers
- LG Washing Machine Manual (LP / LV / HV)
- How To Remove Dryers (Hybrid Van)
- Awning Operation Manual - Laundry Van
- Washer manuals
- Service Support Landing Page
- FAQ: General Vehicle
- FAQ: MyOS, On Shift, Friend/People or Other Questions
- FAQ: Remote Vehicle
- FAQ: Laundromats
- TG: Dryer System
- TG: Washer System
- TG: Electrical System
- TG: Shower System
- TG: Detergent System
- TG: Waste Water System
- TG: Clean Water System
- Shift Instruction Guides (SIG)
- SIG: Charge the vehicle
- SIG: Washer error codes
- SIG: Check the display for faults
- SIG: Prime the detergent pump
- SIG: Change the detergent drum
- SIG: Washer door won't lock
- SIG: Unkink a hose
- SIG: Fill the clean water tank
- SIG: Fuse reset and replacement
- SIG: Force fill the clean water tank (LV)
- SIG: Manually drain the waste tank
- Fuse Box Locations
Guide to Managing Scabies
- Updated on 21 Sep 2023
- 1 Minute to read
- Contributors
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