MyOS - Create a shortcut on your phone
  • 10 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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MyOS - Create a shortcut on your phone

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Article summary

Apple devices - using Safari 

How create a reporting shortcut on an Apple device.

  1. Click on Safari icon 
  2. Visit 
  3. Click the box with an arrow going upwards icon
  4. Scroll down to select 'Add to Home Screen' and rename to 'MyOS'

Android devices - Using Chrome

  1. Click on Chrome icon 
  2. Visit 
  3. Click the three dots 
  4. Click 'Add to Home Screen' 

Android devices - Using Samsung internet

  1. Visit 
  2. Click the three line menu 
  3. Click 'Add page to' button and select 'Homescreen' 

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