How do I make an activity (shift) a priority or non-priority for recruitment?
  • 17 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How do I make an activity (shift) a priority or non-priority for recruitment?

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Article summary

This article is for Service Leaders or Service Coordinators who manage the onboarding of volunteers in your service. If you do not currently do this please speak to the HQ Friends & Volunteers team before making any changes.

Priority shifts in Volaby appear at the top of the screen on the Activities and Activity Management page with an orange flag next to them. The orange flag signals to volunteers applying for activities that their is a vacancy on the activity. Read below for instructions on how to make a shift a priority or non-priority:

  1. Login to Volaby
  2. Navigate to Activity Management from the left hand menu
  3. Locate the activity (shift) by scrolling through the list or click the magnify glass and type the shift name
  4. Scroll down on the right hand pane and to the Prioritise Activity heading use the toggle to prioritise or non-prioritise an activity.
    1. When the toggle is purple the activity is prioritised
    2. When the toggle is grey the activity is not prioritised

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