Team Leaders role in managing issues and incidents
  • 28 Jan 2025
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Team Leaders role in managing issues and incidents

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Article summary

An incident is anything that has a direct or potential impact on safety, well being, the van or our brand. Your role as Team Leader in managing incidents is to take the lead whether it be an altercation with a friend, a problem with the generator or something else.

Incidents can be reported through Volaby under the 'Incident' page. Use the links below to view or submit the incident report form.

Incident Report Form

This article covers the tools, resources and some helpful tips that Orange Sky has developed to keep you and your team safe on shift.

Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP)

A TARP defines the minimum set of actions required by workers in response to a deviation from normal working conditions.

As the Team Leader it is your role to lead any incidents that require TARP. Take time to familiarise yourself with the plan and talk through potential scenarios with your team on shift so you are all prepared to go through the ALERT, COMMIT & EVACUATE phases if a situation arises.

Standards of Behaviour & Terms of Use

This poster is displayed on the side of all our vans for volunteers to refer to and for friends to read. It sets out our service and the expectations we have of friends. If you have a friend that is brand new to Orange Sky or a friend that is not respecting the guidelines refer to this poster to help you have the conversation.

Service Support - Ph 0488 851 113 (AU) or 0800 002 122 (NZ)

Sometimes things will happen on shift that are beyond your realm of knowledge and that's why we have Service Support. If you are unsure about what action to take or just need a bit of reassurance call Service Support. They will provide you and your team with guidance and advice to find the best possible solution.

Check in after incidents

Upon submitting an incident report HQ and your local leadership team will be alerted. Depending on the category they may get in contact with you to gain further information or help you in developing controls.

Post incident you should check in with your team to provide them with any controls that have been put in place to prevent future incidents from occurring. If some of your team members weren't on shift make sure you share the details of the incident.

Some incidents can be confronting for volunteers. Remind volunteers that they are able to access VESP, our confidential counselling service - 1300 878 379 (AU) or 0800 349 710 (NZ)

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