• 19 Feb 2024
  • 16 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The article is to be used by the HQ Operations Team when exploring a new shift lead and if it progresses, all steps to activate and go live. Each section represents a task in Asana and the instructions for that component of the process. Use the table of contents to the right of the screen to navigate to the relevant section of the process.

Create New Shift Lead (OSO/RC)

Leads on potential new shifts may come through via an email, phone call to HQ, our volunteer or friend community, or from our interactions with volunteer leaders.

  1. Search for any existing/old shift lead tasks relating to SP/Shift
  2. Go to Impact AU & NZ or Operations Support project 
  3. Scroll to 'Templates to Duplicate' section
  4. Confirm what the lead is for e.g. regular shift, pop up shift, 3rd party provider, CRS shift, van base 
  5. Open up the template task for the specific type of lead you want to create
    - e.g. TEMPLATE: Shift/SERVICE/SUBURB - Service Provider DAY/TIME
  6. Click 3 dots in top right corner of template task
          - Select 'Duplicate Task'
          - Click 'Create New Task'
          - The duplicate will automatically appear underneath the template task you duplicated
  7. Open up duplicate task > remove from Impact AU & NZ & Operations Support project and add task to 7.2 of the service location project e.g. Melbourne
  8. Once added to service location project, edit the task to suit your lead and follow below steps

Initial Lead Received (OSO/RC)


  1. Search Asana for any previous leads or information, if you find an old task for the shift/location, add it as a subtask on the new lead task
  2. Add in information on 'Initial Lead Received' subtask & main shift task, about how this lead came to be e.g. initial email sent/received? phone call? saw SP in the flesh? 
  3. Close off this subtask once information has been added, add any further conversation onto the main shift task


  1. Head to Service Providers table > MASTER - Service Providers 
  2. Search if the SP record already exists, if it does, change SP status back to 'Potential Lead' and ensure you  edit the record to suit the new details you have received, or wait to get any updated details as you move through discussions

Send & Receive AT EOI Form (OSO/RC)

  1. Edit the below templated response, and send to SP contact:

    Good Morning/Afternoon NAME,

    Thank you so much for reaching out and wanting to collaborate! 

    I'd love to find out a little more regarding your service, could you please fill in the following form: https://airtable.com/shre40YzqKmTaNSsX

    Once received, we will be in touch!

    Thanks again NAME, we really appreciate you supporting our friends doing it tough!

  2. Assign subtask to yourself
  3. Set subtask due date 14 days later
    - Note: The Impact team have a Slack channel which alerts any new EOI's that drop into the SP table. The Impact team may alert you earlier than 14 days if it's something urgent and/or of interest.
  4. Check Service Providers table in AT > MASTER - Service Providers 
  5. Search for the SP and if they have filled in the EOI form
  6. Close this subtask off if they have completed the EOI, and their details are in AT 
  7. Assign the subtask 'Update AT record, add AT links to task


  1. If not received after 14 days, and there is a phone number provided, please call!
    - If no phone number, send another email to the SP to see if they are still interested in chatting about potential collaboration
  2. Add this email to the main shift task
  3. Push out subtask due date another 7 days



  1. Close off all subtasks as well as the main shift task 
  2. Remove Assignee 
  3. Remove due date 
  4. Update SP Status tag to 'Not Viable'
  5. Make comment on shift task advising why the lead has been closed off


  1. Head to Service Providers table > MASTER - Service Providers view, ensure there is no SP record
  2. If no existing SP record, create a new record and ensure all necessary fields are filled in and the SP Status tag is set to 'Not Viable'  
  3. If a SP record already does exist, mark the SP Status tag is set to 'Not Viable'


  1. Go to Service Provider Table
  2. Go to either Services AU Metro & Regional or Services NZ section > click into the service location view e.g. BNE or SYD
  3. Click the pink button 'Share View', copy & paste link next to 'Contacts for Vol Leaders' in description box
  4. Add 'Contact for HQ' AT link to the description box
  5. Search in the service location view you already have open, for the SP record
  6. Once found, click the two small blue arrows to the left of the record name to expand the record
  7. Click the 'Copy record URL' button in the top right hand corner, and paste this next to 'Contact for HQ' in description box

Initial Contact with SP (Online Video Call) (RC/Local Team)

  1. RC assigns themselves to main task and will own until it progress to go live or made not viable
  2. Schedule an online meeting with the SP contact to discuss options for a shift 
  3. Grab the below details from SP on the call:
    • Confirm address where shift will occur
    • What do they offer? How many people come to their service?
    • Busiest day/time for them
    • Discuss van availability, and need for laundry & showers? (if applicable) 
    • Access to 10amp power/water/waste (be specific with what this is, not storm water drains etc.)
    • Do we need council approval for this site? (I would wait and see if they bring this up)
    • Any regular incidents/safety concerns?
  4. Once meeting is complete and you would like to progress the lead, close off this subtask and assign 'Organise & Attend Site Visit' to the OS rep you think is best to complete the site visit

Organise & Attend Site Visit, and Add to Calendar (RC/Local Team)

  1. RC or local team will reach out to SP to organise a visit
  2. When on site, ensure plenty of photos are taken and below information is gathered:
    • Water/waste/10amp power?
    • 2 Safe Places confirmed?
    • Van position confirmed?
    • Do we need any extension hoses or additional power cords?
    • Is the van visible from where the SP is located/operating from?
    • Will the service provider be on site for the duration of shift?
  3. Once all of the information has been collected, add summary notes and photos to the main shift task, and close this subtask off


  1. Head to your Service Location Asana project e.g. Melbourne
  2. Scroll down to Section 7 Service Providers
  3. Find 'Calendar' task and click the link in the description box
  4. Follow the following process: https://guide.portal.orangesky.org/docs/adding-event-to-asset-calendar

Approval to Activate (RC)

  1. The RC will then take a look at the notes/information on the main shift task and confirm whether the shift is ready to be activated or not (can bring in LS if further discussion needs to occur). Things to confirm before approval: 
    • Water/waste/10amp power access
    • 2 Safe Places confirmed
    • Service provider will be on site for the duration of shift
    • Van position confirmed
    • Extension hoses or additional power cords needed
    • Van is visible from where the SP is located/operating from
  2. Once RC has approved, RC to close off this subtask and assign 'Activate Shift' subtask to the building OSO with a due date set for 5 days time
  3. Add comment on main shift task advising shift can be activated so other people can see

MOU & Insurance (RC)

  1. See process here: TEMPLATE: MOU's
  2. Advise Health & Safety to Update Insurance for Pod

Payment (RC)

Activate Shift (OSO)

When a 'shift' has been approved, it's ready to be activated!  = VACMAWC

V - (Volaby) - Create activity (if asset is a pod > ask Loren to assign relevant asset training via Asana)
A - (Airtable) - Create shift & location record, update SP record
C - (Calendar) - Update name of shift
A - (Asana) - Update shift task status & subtasks
W - (WhatsApp) - Create WA group & add link to shift record/Asana description box
C - (Canva) - Create 'Coming Soon - We Wash Here' poster

VOLABY (create activity)

  1. Go to Management section > Activity Management tab
  2. Select program > e.g. Newcastle
  3. Click 'Create Activity' in the top right corner of the page
  4. Basics
    • Activity Name > *STATUS* / SHIFT NAME / ASSET / (DAY) eg.*COMING SOON* Musgrave Park LY (THU)
      • *STATUS * - If shift is being built, add '*COMING SOON* to start of activity name 
      • SHIFT NAME - Think of a name that will be best for friends to view/understand
      • ASSET - If there is more than one type of asset in the service location, add abbreviation of asset > LY, SH or HY
      • (DAY) - Add the abbreviation of the day of shift in brackets 
    • Programs > e.g. Newcastle 
    • Click 'Add a description':
      • Paste > 'This is a brand new shift we are currently building a team for. Apply to help us, help more friends! Volunteers applying for this shift need to be able to commit to ongoing weekly or fortnightly shifts. We do understand volunteers go away from time to time and we support this, however consistency is key to our service. Click here for service information (assets in your service, lockbox codes, local leadership team & more)'.
  5. Privacy Settings
    • Joining policy > Require approval
    • Hide activity > do not tick this box
  6. Activity Type
    • Regular 
      • Start Date > select day of shift 3 months (12 weeks) in advance 
      • Frequency > Weekly on 'DAY' of shift
  7. Roster settings
    • Managed
  8. Sessions 
    • Click +Add session
    • Confirm if this is a pod/LOTF/van shift, do you need to add a 'Driver' session? If so, follow the below, if not, skip the below 5 steps!
      • Basics > Session name > 'Driver'
      • Add a different location > Start typing the location of van base and select when it pops up in drop down
      • Volunteers > Min Volunteers > always select 1
      • Report type > select either 'Driving Report' or 'Driving Report - Upgraded Van'
      • Click Add Session 
    • Click +Add another session
      • Basics > Session Name > General Volunteer
      • Time > Add start and end time of shift
      • Volunteers > Min Volunteers > 2 
      • Report Type > Select the correct 'asset' report
      • Click Add Session
  9. Location > select 'Activity with specified location'
    • Start typing the location of shift and select when it pops up in drop down
  10. Tags > Select asset tag & service offering tag e.g. Busby & Laundry & Showers
    1. Laundry = laundry shifts 
    2. Showers = shower shifts alongside laundry van
    3. Laundry & Showers = hybrid van shifts
    4. Indoor Laundry/LOTF = ????
  11. Click 'Save Activity' in top right corner
  12. Once you have saved the activity, in the Activity Management tab, ensure the activity is opened on the right hand side of page
    • Prioritise this Activity > Ensure this is on
    • Volunteer Waitlist > Ensure this is on


  1. Go to the Shifts table > Adding Shifts view > add new record
  2. Open up new record:
    • Shift Name - Copy across from Volaby 
    • Service Locations - Unlink the 'Not Assigned Yet' record > +Add Record > select location
    • Shift Status - Building Team
    • Shift Task - Copy and paste the link to the shift task from Asana
    • Date Activated - Add date shift was added to Volaby
    • Primary Service Provider Partner > +Add Record
      • Search for the SP, then click on the record to add
      • Once added, click into the SP record:
        • SP Status - Building Team
        • Close the SP record
    • Asset Name -  > +Add Record 
      • Search for the asset, then click on the record to add e.g. LV02 | Hunter
    • Day - e.g. Mon
    • Start Time - e.g. 14:00
    • End Time - e.g. 16:00
    • Frequency - usually always weekly
    • Recruit Status - Recruit Build
    • Locations > +Add Record
      • If the location already exists (we already do a shift at the location OR we have previously ran a shift at the location) search for location, then click on the record to add e.g. Musgrave Park. If the location doesn't exist, select '+Add new record' at the bottom of the pop up box. This should then expand for you automatically!
      • Location Name - e.g. Musgrave Park
      • Service Locations - Unlink the 'Not Assigned Yet' record > +Add Record > select location
      • Status - Active Location
      • Service Providers > +Add Record 
      • Search for the asset, then click on the record to add e.g. LV02 | Hunter
      • Asset Base - If this location is an asset base, select 'Yes'
      • Shift (Current) - The shift record should already show attached here
      • Map Link - Copy & paste the URL from Google Maps, linking the location
      • Address - e.g. 18 Smith Street
      • Suburb - e.g. Morningside
      • Postcode - e.g. 4170
      • State -  e.g. QLD
      • Close the Location record


  1. Go to the asset calendar e.g. Service CNS (Barry)
  2. Update name of shift in calendar > change 'LEAD' to 'BUILDING'  


  1. Go to section 7.2 of the service location project > click & drag to move to 7.1 to sit in chronological order
  2. Task name - ensure day & time has been added e.g. WED 1400-1600
  3. Assignee - assign to RC
  4. Due date - remove due date
  5. Projects - 7.1
  6. SP Status - Building Team
  7. Day - select shift day
  8. Frequency - weekly/fortnightly
  9. Asset - select which asset will be on shift
  10. Add comment on main shift task advising the shift has been activated
  11. Assign 'Activate Shift' subtask to Loren > comment on subtask asking Loren to assign relevant asset training to activity in Volaby (POD ONLY)
  12. Assign 'Build Team & Prepare Shift' subtask to allocated OSO and pop the due date as 'tomorrow'
  13. Assign 'Notify SP of 'building team' status' subtask to RC and pop the due date for 2 weeks time


  1. Create WhatsApp group for team: PROCESS: How to create a 'Whatsapp Group'
  2. Once WA group has been created:
         - Click group name up the top of screen
         - Click 'Invite to Group via Link'
         - Click 'Share Link'
         - Share the link to either your Slack or OS email address > Go to either Slack or OS email
         - Copy link and paste link into description box of shift task in Asana
         - Go to Airtable > 'Community Impact' base > 'Shifts' table
         - Find the shift record > copy and paste link into 'Comms Group' field


  1. Create 'Coming Soon - We Wash Here' flyer for SP: PROCESS: How to create a 'We Wash Here' poster

Build Team & Prepare Shift (OSO)

Please refer to article Build Team & Prepare Shift (OSO) for the relevant processes.

Risk Assessment (Received by the 4th shift) - (RC)

  1. RC to assign this subtask to the appropriate resource to do this.
  2. Resource to review form here before heading out to shift.
  3. Form can be completed on phone, however it is recommended to gather photos and information and complete later on a computer.
  4. Once form is submitted RC or resource used to comment here.

Top Up Team & Monitor Shift (OSO)

This task is used to track any team top ups needed, and any changes to the shift e.g. time, location, name

Please comment on this task and ask the Active OSO for support!

Different phases for top up's:

  • Phase 1 - Subtasks 1 & 2 (Allow 2 days)
  • Phase 2 - Subtask 3 (Allow 3 days)
  • Phase 3 - Subtasks 4 & 5 (Allow 14 days)
  • Phase 4 - Subtask 6 (Allow 14 days)
  1. Check Waitlist and mark as priority in Volaby (if needed)
  2. Message Flexible & TL WA group
  3. Follow Up/Check Never Joined Activity/Not Rostered
  4. Share collateral with local contacts (SP/SL/CEC)
  5. Recruitment Ads
  6. FB/Community Groups

Put Shift On Hold - OS decision/SP decision (OSO)

OS DECISION (lack of vols)

RC to determine whether we put shift on hold or retire > RC to acknowledge decision and communicate with SP > Assign related subtask to OSO once decision is made 

V - (Volaby) - Edit activity > Activity Type > 'Click here to change activity type' > select Flexible
A - (Airtable) - Leave 'SP Status' of SP record as 'Active', Leave 'Status' of Locations record as 'Active', & Update 'Shift Status' of Shift record to 'On Hold - Vols'
C - (Calendar) - Update name of shift to include 'ON HOLD' at start of name
M - (Map) - Update name of shift to include 'ON HOLD' at start of name
A - (Asana) - Assign main shift task to RC to assess shift in future & assign SP Status tag to 'On Hold'
W - (WhatsApp) - SC/SL/RC to advise WA group
C - (Canva) - Update name of shift to include 'ON HOLD' at start of name, and share flyer with local leadership team
S - (Seek) - Ensure shift is included in description of Seek ad


RC to determine whether we put shift on hold or retire > RC to acknowledge decision and communicate with SP > Assign related subtask to OSO once decision is made 

V - (Volaby) - Close activity
A - (Airtable) - Leave 'SP Status' of SP record as 'Active', Leave 'Status' of Locations record as 'Active', & Update 'Shift Status' of Shift record to 'On Hold - SP'
C - (Calendar) - Update name of shift to include 'ON HOLD' at start of name
M - (Map) - Update name of shift to include 'ON HOLD' at start of name
A - (Asana) - Assign main shift task to RC to assess shift in future & assign SP Status tag to 'On Hold'
W - (WhatsApp) - SC/SL/RC to advise WA group
C - (Canva) - Update name of shift to include 'ON HOLD' at start of name, and share flyer with local leadership team
S - (Seek) - Ensure shift is not included in Seek ad

Retire Shift (OSO)

When a 'shift' needs to be retired, we need to ensure it no longer shows as an active shift across our systems!  = VACMAWCS

V - (Volaby) - Close activity
A - (Airtable) -Update SP, Location & Shift Record
C - (Calendar) - Remove shift and travel time from calendar
M - (Map) - Update shift status
A - (Asana) - Close off task & subtasks
W - (WhatsApp) - Ask SC/SL/RC to notify all volunteers & rename WA group name
C - (Canva) - Remove shift information from the service location flyer
S - (Seek) - Ensure no Seek ad is currently

Please retire the shift the day after the last shift date. 


  1. Head to Management section > Activity Management tab
  2. Select program/s > Select the service location of where the shift belongs
  3. Scroll down the Activities list until you find the shift you need to retire
    • Select the Activity > Select the 'Active' dropdown 
    • Select 'Close'
    • Select 'Continue'
    • Select the reason why we are retiring the shift
    • Select last date of shift
    • Select 'Close Activity'
  4. Ensure the 'Active' dropdown is now red and showing as 'Closed'
  5. Scroll down in the selected activity
    • Prioritise this Activity > Ensure this is off


  1. Head to Shifts table > MASTER Shifts
  2. Search for the shift record and expand:
    - Date Retired - Date of the last shift
          - Shift Status - Retired
          - Recruit Status - Select Empty Field Option
          - Retired Reason - Select why the shift was retired
  3. Head to the Primary Service Provider Partner record attached to the shift record
          - SP Status - Retired (if no other existing shift operates alongside this SP)
  4. Head to the Location record attached to the shift record
          - Status - Retired (if no other existing shift operates at this location)


  1. Head to Asset Calendar for the location
  2. Delete the shift and travel time from calendar 


  1. Move location to 'Retired/Not Viable' section
  2. Change icon colour to Grey


  1. Head to the shift task in 7.1 of the service project
  2. Remove Assignee 
  3. Remove due date 
  4. Close off all subtasks (including Team Task subtasks)
  5. Close off main shift task
  6. Update SP Status tag to 'Retired'
  7. Make comment on shift task advising the shift has been retired 


  1. Ask SC/SL/RC to confirm the team has been notified of the retire
  2. Once all team members have been notified, the SC/SL/RC should advise all team members to remove themselves from the WA group 
  3. SC/SL/RC or admin of the group to change WA group name to 'RETIRED SHIFT'


  1. Login to Canva
  2. Click 'Projects' in the menu on left side of page
  3. Open 'HQ Ops Team Folder' 
  4. Under 'Designs' click 'MASTER - Service Flyer'
  5. Scroll to the flyer you are wanting to edit
  6. Right click on shift name > select 'Delete Row'
  7. Rearrange flyer so the format looks correct


  1. Login to Seek Volunteering
  2. Select 'View All Opportunities'
  3. Select the 'Open' tab
  4. Scroll/search for the shift and ensure there isn't a live ad up
          - If there is, ensure you add a expiry date to the ad so it disappears 

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