Who loads the washing into the machines, volunteers or friends?
  • 04 Apr 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Who loads the washing into the machines, volunteers or friends?

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Article summary

We encourage our friends, wherever possible, to load their own washing into the machines.

If our friend is unable to, or not present to load their own clothes, volunteers are welcome to load the machines for them.

Please note that if a friend is not present at the time of commencing the wash, a volunteer must have witnessed the friend shaking out and placing their belongings in a basket beforehand - this is for safety reasons and so we know who to hand laundry back to!

It is often helpful to suggest a friend ensures there's nothing left in their pockets before loading washing into the machine - this might save coins, cigarettes or important bits of paper from getting caught up in the wash!

When it comes to loading the washing in to the dryers, this should be done by volunteers due to limited space inside the vans.

Gloves should be worn by volunteers at all times when handling laundry before washing and when loading the wet washing in to the dryers.

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