I'm supporting a friend experiencing mental health problems and I'm unsure how to help. What should I do?
  • 22 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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I'm supporting a friend experiencing mental health problems and I'm unsure how to help. What should I do?

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Article summary

Our friends can face many challenges, and the best way we can help is by following some simple steps

  • First, take the time to listen. Creating connection and showing our friends you are interested in what they are saying has a huge impact.
  • During your conversation tell the friend that you care and you want to help but you're not a professional.
  • Ask the friend if they have a good GP or whether they've accessed any mental health services in the past - Encourage them to reach out to these services again.
  • Use https://askizzy.org.au/ or any information available to you to refer and connect the person with appropriate professional help - Ask the rest of your team for help doing this

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