Taking friends washing home
  • 06 Apr 2024
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Taking friends washing home

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Article summary

This is an absolutely 'not under any circumstances'. We know that volunteers are only trying to be helpful, but there is a reason why this is covered in the boundary box.

Taking responsibility for friends belongings sets a dangerous precedent that can put other volunteers at risk. In the past friends have become confused about what is happening, distrustful and even aggressive and this is the last thing we want to happen.

Washing happens on shift only.

If a friend leaves their belongings behind and shift is due to finish and pack up, leave the items with the service provider. Its much easier for a friend to come back to that one location instead of trying to figure out where the van is next.

If you're ever placed in a tricky situation and you're unsure what to do - contact service support for immediate advice.

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