TG: Washer System
  • 23 Aug 2024
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TG: Washer System

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Article summary

Washer System
Troubleshooting Guide (TG)


Consider the below callouts when guiding a volunteer through the instructions



  • Error code on washer display
  • Washer is leaking
  • Washer door doesn’t stay closed
  • No detergent in machine
  • Washer display timer does not decrease as expected (stuck on cycle) 
  • Kill cycle


Step 1: Identify the issue

If no, 


On the system display, is the lights icon illuminated green?

Press the lights icon on the display once to turn on the electrical system

On the system display, is the battery level 10% or more?

 SIG: Charge the vehicle

Can you see if the washing machine is plugged in and the powerpoint switch is turned on?

Plug in the machine and turn the powerpoint switch on

Is the washing machine display free from error codes?

 SIG: Washer error codes

Is the washer cycle time decreasing in time as expected?

Monitor for 10 mins and if the issue persists, perform a kill cycle, remove some clothes and restart the washer.

Is there detergent in the washing machine?

 TG: Detergent System

Is the washer free from leaks that originate at the front/door?

Kill cycle. Massage the rubber door seal. Start the cycle again.

Is the washing machine free of leaks?

Kill cycle. Discontinue the use of that machine. Proceed to Step 2.

Is the washing machine door closing and starting as expected?

 SIG: Washer door won't lock

Step 2: Communicate next steps to volunteer

Diagnostic complete, the issue cannot be resolved on shift. You will need to either

  1. Continue shift at reduced capacity and focus on connection with friends
  2. Pack up and go home

Submit an incident report

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